Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On the Lin-sane Train...

Yeah, I'm jumpin' on that bandwagon! For the past few days I've been a really bad law firm attorney who is not billing like she's supposed to be.  Instead I'm being a good Asian American by reading Lin article after article - with something this great going on, there's tons of interesting and even uplifting and poignant perspectives to read (like herehere and here). Last night as we watched the highlight reel of the Knicks game, mc said that we should go watch Lin play when the Knicks come to Cleveland to play the Cavs - 4/20.  GENIUS. Although this would make a great surprise bday present (everybody knows 4/23 is my bday rah??) from mc, I was getting all nervous that good tix to this game would be sold out (as mc said "nel, every asian in Ohio is going to be there that night"), so I jumped the gun and bought 2 tickets. Heh. Heh. Sooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!

Speaking of excited.....

1 comment:

  1. oh funnnnnnnnnnn. my facebook used to be only about weddings, engagements, or births. now it's only about linsanity. lucky you get to see it in action!
