Friday, February 17, 2012

You know you're getting old when...

...getting this is the highlight of the week!  Introducing my new Trudeau garlic press which got a great review by the folks at American Test Kitchen.  My new project this weekend is to mash up some garlic....

Put it into a plastic bag.... 

And stick it in the freezer!  Ta da - your very own stash of minced garlic that you can just use whenever you'd like.  Just break off a piece of the frozen garlic popsicle and toss into your dishes.

Ha, I can't believe I just wrote garlic popsicle.


  1. hahahahahaha! garlic popsicle....wait...that's kinda gross.

  2. it's been almost a month since your last post. i'm very disappointed...

  3. dude, seriously. i'm going to take you off my reader.
