Friday, February 17, 2012

You know you're getting old when...

...getting this is the highlight of the week!  Introducing my new Trudeau garlic press which got a great review by the folks at American Test Kitchen.  My new project this weekend is to mash up some garlic....

Put it into a plastic bag.... 

And stick it in the freezer!  Ta da - your very own stash of minced garlic that you can just use whenever you'd like.  Just break off a piece of the frozen garlic popsicle and toss into your dishes.

Ha, I can't believe I just wrote garlic popsicle.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On the Lin-sane Train...

Yeah, I'm jumpin' on that bandwagon! For the past few days I've been a really bad law firm attorney who is not billing like she's supposed to be.  Instead I'm being a good Asian American by reading Lin article after article - with something this great going on, there's tons of interesting and even uplifting and poignant perspectives to read (like herehere and here). Last night as we watched the highlight reel of the Knicks game, mc said that we should go watch Lin play when the Knicks come to Cleveland to play the Cavs - 4/20.  GENIUS. Although this would make a great surprise bday present (everybody knows 4/23 is my bday rah??) from mc, I was getting all nervous that good tix to this game would be sold out (as mc said "nel, every asian in Ohio is going to be there that night"), so I jumped the gun and bought 2 tickets. Heh. Heh. Sooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!

Speaking of excited.....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 12

Day 12...and still feeling good :D  Even though I cheated :D

My lunch today:
- brown rice (the trick is to soak overnight before cooking!)
- baked salmon cake (salmon, quinoa, sauteed kale/onion/garlic, capers)
- sauteed kale
- roasted asparagus
- kongnamul broth. 

Ran out of TTM sauce :(

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 7!

Today marks day 7 (of 21) of the clean program.

Nellie's lunch today: Turkey quinoa loaf and quinoa salad with TTM dressing. oh and the apple in the back.

So far, so good!  I'm now used to having a shake for breakfast and dinner and I actually kind of like them - lately I've been using frozen mango chunks.  And I love eating my lunches!! Seriously, they're super duper delicious.  I made a meatloaf using turkey and quinoa, sauteed baby criminis, onion and garlic, and some tamari and good balsamic.  Also have a quinoa (yeah we made a lot of quinoa this week) salad with sauteed spinach, peas, broccoli, garlic and onion with the TTM dressing. 

Although I am an ardent lover of acronyms, I realize that some of my readers (all 5 of you girls) may not be.  TTM is a sauce I make with tamari sauce (the og version of soy sauce), tahini, miso, rice wine vinegar, one packet of stevia, a small glurg of sesami oil, a medium glug of EVOO.  While I can't say it's changed my life, it is helping make this cleanse worthwhile :D

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I was only sick for a day.  Ha ha!  In yo face, vitamins!  However, my wubby is still sick.  Usually I'm a pretty good nurse, but I didn't make him chicken noodle soup or anything.

Instead I made him:

play that card game where you have to guess the number that's on your forehead.  We played two rounds before he said this was stupid.  You really need to be drunk to play this game.  And fevers do not equal drunk.

Then we watched Troll Hunter and there were subtitles.  We're cultured like that.

And even though I watched this already, I made him watch Wet Hot American Summer just because I wanted to see it again.  I'm a good girlfriend.  Right, Paul?

Thanks, Paul.  I'll take care of you the next time you're sick.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hoppin' on the G.Paltrow bandwagon...

So, day 2 of the cleanse. Gwyneth Paltrow has spoken super highly of Dr. Junger's Clean Program and after reading the book, I finally decided to make the commitment.  Here's an idea of what Yunni and I are up against. After I got all my stuff, I read all the ingredients and dosage, did some research and purchased similar powders and supplements for yunni. Masochism must be in So blood b/c we

 Left to right: the goop version of the Clean Program (for me heh heh) and my generic equivalent rendition of the same (for my bro)

 Went home for a night to my parent's house and woke up to snow! Here's a picture of our backyard. If you look closely to the far right, you will see Bawoo's dog house. And if you look even closer, you can see Bawoo. Ha, jk, he's all snuggled inside his little home. But did you squint hard to see if you could? haha.

 Here's some oven roasted brussel sprouts.  I like to splash some really good balsamic vinegar all over after they've cooked.  Adds a really pretty glaze and fresh taste, rather than roasting them with the balsamic which is probably equally delish.