Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hoppin' on the G.Paltrow bandwagon...

So, day 2 of the cleanse. Gwyneth Paltrow has spoken super highly of Dr. Junger's Clean Program and after reading the book, I finally decided to make the commitment.  Here's an idea of what Yunni and I are up against. After I got all my stuff, I read all the ingredients and dosage, did some research and purchased similar powders and supplements for yunni. Masochism must be in So blood b/c we

 Left to right: the goop version of the Clean Program (for me heh heh) and my generic equivalent rendition of the same (for my bro)

 Went home for a night to my parent's house and woke up to snow! Here's a picture of our backyard. If you look closely to the far right, you will see Bawoo's dog house. And if you look even closer, you can see Bawoo. Ha, jk, he's all snuggled inside his little home. But did you squint hard to see if you could? haha.

 Here's some oven roasted brussel sprouts.  I like to splash some really good balsamic vinegar all over after they've cooked.  Adds a really pretty glaze and fresh taste, rather than roasting them with the balsamic which is probably equally delish.

1 comment:

  1. Dang, those army of pills look intimidating. I hope your brussel sprouts come in pill form b/c that looks delish.

    - jumi
