Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nellie's Last Supper

This weekend was my last weekend to indulge on all sorts of good things before Yunni and I started to prepare our bodies for the Clean Program cleanse.  My friend Ann was housesitting for her sister and invited me over for a big veg fest.  We watched all sorts of trashy cable tv, drank Franzia box wine all day, and of course I made some delicious treats for us.

First some malay chicken curry and roti and chinese choy sum with oyster sauce. 

For dessert a double layer double chocolate cake...

Here's Ann passed out. She would be pretty made if she knew I was posting this but I couldn't resist.


And here's me with my hair, only 3 inches shorter! I'm covering my jjeejjees - just trying to keep this blog from getting shut down for inappropriate image.  I'm trying to go for a more professional look these days, but I think this cut just makes me looking somewhat younger, don't you think?

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