Sunday, January 22, 2012


Was looking at chinese horoscopes.  Came across this for the rooster:  "People born in the year of the rooster usually are good looking and like to show themselves off."  I'll be bookmarking this site.

Here's Captain when he was a wee thing.  So innocent looking, yea?  

Now the only wee thing about him is his peen. Have you ever seen a kitty peen? You will scream.
It comes out whenever he licks himself. He's a cat, so that means on a daily basis. I am raising a pervert.

<---- Kitty peen

<------ Kitty peen

<----- Safety kitty peen


  1. yknow, commenting on this website is really hard and half the time they somehow never show up, even when i put in the secret password.

    anywho, are peens that RED?

  2. Oh man, peens are bright. First time I saw it, I was going to touch it because I thought it was a piece of hard candy stuck to him.
