Friday, January 13, 2012

Dun dun dun.....

It's Friday the 13th and so far, so good.  Actually started off nice.  This morning saw a guy waving his arms slowly and staring at this really nice sun that was popping it's head over the trees.  The guy was chanting, "I love you" to the sun over and over again.  It was super kooky, but nice, ya know?  But I didn't stare at him too long in case I went blind.

I guess the only bad thing that happened was the other half of this blog sent me this.
She does so every Friday.  Says it's not officially Friday until I hear it.  Sad part is is I always click on it. Thinking maybe this Friday she's going to send me something different.  Sometimes I even scroll all the way through hoping this might be a spoof or there's a surprise ending.  One of these Fridays....

I should leave work early.  Jimbo put that nice thought in my head with this...