Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hurricane Yunni

As you know, Yunni has moved in with me for a few months while he finishes his last quarter of school.  It's interesting when you take a 30-year woman set in her ways/particularities/quirk and mix in a slobbish/hippy/lacksadaisical 22 year manchild. 

 View 1 of my living room / yunni's bedroom

View 2 of same. You get a bit of an idea of Hurricane Yunni.

 One of the great things about Yunni being here is his general company.  For all his slobbish college ways, he certainly is a delightful, funny and good-natured companion and it's nice to have someone to come home to. He has it pretty good too.  He gets all the big sister amenities: free groceries and restaurant dinners, washer/dryer, occasional laundry service, cooked meals, clean towels, and not to mention some solid big sister lectures and guilt trips. (heh.) But really, I'm so grateful to be able to spend so much quality time with one of my favorite people. 

So, this is our last day of doing the Elimination Diet, and tomorrow we move full on to the Cleanse portion of our detox.  Just to give you an idea of what I've been eating:

Brown Rice with sauteed Kale/Broccoli/Peas and my special Miso Tamari Tahini dressing


  1. you could replace "yunni" with "dinah" and this post would still be true.

  2. you're just missing a Bob Marley poster.
